Jesus take the wheel

Tori will be getting her drivers license soon. Which means we get to teach her how to drive. I always told Brett that he was going to have to teach the kids how to read and how to drive, because I don’t have the patience. Well, the kids want me to teach them so, that’s how it’s been. 

Tori took us to therapy today and on the way home I grabbed the wheel and was trying to pull her back into alignment with the lane. Tori is my kid that wants to be in charge and control things herself. So as I pulled one way she tried to correct it the other way.  Thankfully I’m stronger and more stubborn so we stayed away from the semi, and the concrete barrier. I had a thought and pop into my head, and laughed. “Ok”I told her.
“There is a lesson you need to learn here.  When Jesus takes the wheel you need to quit fighting him because he’s trying to help you NOT run into the concrete barrier.”   

We both laughed and then had a great discussion. (As I tried to stay light and cheery and not grab the
Oh @&$! Handle too often.).

A truck honked at her. She of course got frustrated and embarrassed. I told her, “That truck wasn’t angry, you were making him nervous. Be grateful he was watching out for you instead of ignoring you. He could have run into easily enough but wants to help you figure this out.”

Because she was embarrassed she started driving too fast. Of course I advised her that the speed was 70 not 80. She advised me that she was just keeping up with the rest of the cars. Again I laughed and said “Jesus doesn’t make speed limits to try and hinder you. Just because all the other cars are doing it doesn’t make it right. Speed limits are there for your safety, so listen to Jesus.” 

Yes we laughed and talked all the way home as she got just a little better driving. But I’m grateful for fun times that I can still teach my kids. I want to be the happy voice in their heads that reminds them how to be good people. I’m also super grateful we made it home in one piece. 😜


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